A 1:1 Experience For Women Who Can Feel There Is More Out There For Them. This Is For The Women Who have already entered the world of self development and want more. 

You deserve more than struggling day to day.

1:1 Coaching 

This is a journey we go on together. 


What if you could truly feel liberated from the inside out?

It's time start our journey together with customized  1:1 coaching 

Having support and mentorship IS unmatched. 

  • Was it me?
  • Is this working?
  • Am I ready to date?
  • When will I feel better? 
  • Am I doing this right?

So was I when I started my self development journey. There is no "right" way to heal or grow. My goal is to give you ALL the necessary resources so you can choose the path that feels most aligned to you while feeling CONFIDENT in each decision you choose. 

Are you ready to move on from self help books? You get the concepts but something is missing.... 

Here's the deal

Now I am able to live day to day feeling peaceful, surrounded by people who build me up, and can set boundaries with ease 

I used to be exactly where you are now.
I was strong, accomplished, physically fit, and still not where I wanted to be. 
 I was reading all the THINGS, and following the schedule. But....I still wasn't quite where I wanted to be. 

I was confident on the surface but confused internally. 

 I pretended to be "fine" ( and on the surface I truly thought I was). I thought this is just a part of life. 
Until I let my ego go....
& started my self healing journey so I could be:

Truly aligned with who I am
At peace with my past
Confident in who I am and my decisions. 
& Done worrying about other people's opinions

How do I know what you are going through?
I've been there.

My  Story

Ready To Take Action

at the end of it you'll be:

A  journey we will go on together. 

And that’s why I’m so excited for you to start a   journey...

 COACHING Wth Sabrina Marie 

Some of the incredible women in my world are part of my online community in a private group. You can join and get the support of other amazing women. 


In between each session you have 1:1 support in between sessions. 

 1:1 COACHING/Mentorship

After each session you get a customized plan that summarizes everything discussed and detailed action steps for what is to come.

clear, written plan of action

Each 1:1 Session is tailored to your specific needs. We spend each 45 minute session diving in. 


7 total 1:1 calls typically done on a bi-weekly basis. The first call is a pre-intensive call where we go over background and you set your own goals and I tell you how we will get there. 

1:1 pre-intensive coaching call

 A lot of therapist and coaches use the same skills and tools on every person not allowing for the variables of each person's individual  circumstance, & needs. I talk to each client with a fresh slate and create a journey customized to your specific needs. 

A personalized 1:1 Experience 


$3000 for 3 Months

1:1 Coaching Investment

Jess B .

 I am now here, after completing my 3 month journey, and I couldn't be happier! I know who I am and what I value. My confidence has grown immensely. I have learned how to say "no" and I have boundaries. I also learned that I don't need closure from others to heal...I can heal myself & meet my own needs. I am no longer afraid of ruining my kids! I feel closer to them than ever and I love sharing what I have learned with them so that they grow up knowing that they are strong, amazing, worthy, and loved

_ Jess B 

Wishes to be annoyomous .

" Sabrina. You have been tremendously helpful, so much more then I could describe to you. I am going to recommend you to a few friends of mine". 

Rebecca B

"I would recommend Sabrina as a relationship and life coach to anyone who asks"!

By being engaged in the sessions and applying the tools after the call. We work with SELF LED women so there is no doubt here you will get the most out of your sessions. Sabrina is there to guide you every step of the way. 


3 months, with an option to renew if you feel aligned to. You are getting in weeks what took me over 9 years to learn. 

How long is the program?

Nothing at all. Just yourself and an open mind and heart. 

WHAT DO I NEED TO PREPARE FOR my pre intensive?

This if for any women who knows there is work to be done and is ready to take it on. 

who is this best for?



Valued at $3,000

Complimentary- Life Time Access to ALL programs

As a 1:1 client you get COMPLETE access to ALL self paced programs previously developed and developed while you are in 1:1 coaching 

Bonus #2

Valued at $1,200

Everything I have learned and developed over the past 9 years of therapy, healing, and development are yours. 

Complimentary Worksheets and Tools 

Bonus #1

In Addition To 1:1 Coaching You'll Walk Away With...


We have not yet experienced someone who has not gotten growth & change. My coaching is for women who are READY to make change. If for any reason you're not satisfied please email us and express your concerns so we can try to help. Because we deal in life change we do not offer refunds. 

I promise to not let you down. I also promise to always be honest with you. So.. 



A One time 1.5 hr  session

Expansion Session

  • Paid in Full for 3 months 
  • Personalized 1:1 with action plans
  • All access to self paced programs



Most Popular

BEST Savings


3 monthly payments

Monthly Payment Option

Start your 1:1 Coaching & Mentorship

let's do this

All 1:1 coaching/mentorship is by application only. Spots are limited. 

Imagine having the tools to remain unshaken by life's ups and downs, a kind of mental and emotional agility that lets you navigate the complexities of modern life with grace and poise.


Let's be real for a minute, can we?


I grew up in what appeared to be a "normal" home and graduated college. 
I had a successful career. 
Dated regularly. 
What I realized is, there were things I was missing. 
I realized I was settling. 

Settling for safe. 
It can be scary to go outside your comfort zone. 
But the after effects are life altering. 

 I am proof that this can happen. 

Because if I can get here from where I came from, anyone can. 

My Investments allow you to: 

Transform your self development and self awareness
Learn all the self development tricks
Develop safe and secure relationships
Feel the shifts in all aspects of your life 
The tools and confidence to attack anything that comes your way

I have ADHD so if you skipped the entire page here, I get it. Here is the  summary :

Let's Recap


A ONE TIME 1.5 HR SESSION. Take a deep dive into all things self development and then apply the concepts yourself

Expansion Session

  • 3 Monthly payments for 1:1 with me. Bi Weekly Sessions



have more questions?

Monthly Option 

Other 1:1 Coaching & Mentorship Options 

Because I like options 


Say hello to whatever you choose 

Say goodbye to the unknown 

Without us knowing we develop our internal dialogue throughout childhood . Our actions as adults are a result of that internal dialogue. What we are not aware of is we can CHANGE it.  

How will your life change when you invest in yourself?